Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Collage Canvas' for Wall Hangings

Dark Brown, Magenta, Beige and Antique White
Yellow, Plum, Pink and Pearl
Orange, Blue, Red and Brown

Beige, Rust, Green and Ivory

Green, Yellow, Sepia and Turquoise

The idea is this: two groups, 10 people in each group. Each person chooses a color. I chose Sepia for one group, and for another I chose Pearl White/Interference Colors.

Then, each person does a 4x4 collage using the colors each person chose in their group. When finished, we mail them to the awesome host, who will punch the corners and arrange them in a pattern so that when we get them back we will have a wall hanging - consisting of 10 4x4 done in your choosen color by everyone in your group (including your own).

I'll take a pic when it comes home!!

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