Sniff...sniff... these are the last two spreads for one of my Round Robins. I'm sad that it's over, but it was great. We had some awesome themes, I think the "In a Galaxy far far away" was one of my favs...I really had to go find stuff for that one! Oh and the beatles book! This spread was done with me aging the papers with walnut inks and embossing powders. I used handmade paper and the chick is on a transparency held by those cool paperclips. The right side is all cut out. About 15 pages worth, and the middle thing is a pin that i found in a thrift store, I covered it with those micro beads for texture, and added fringe to complete the page.
When you turn the middle thingy over, you get the travel part of the vintage travels page. I used tons of misc stuff, stickers, mirrors, papers, aged the book part of the paper, and embossing powders for texture.

Okay, this is spread is a little bead happy!! I called it "memories of old" There just tons of old stuff on it. Old pic of people dancing, which I aged myself, old stuff on the Cd, The backgroud is this thick ribbon i found, which i heat set and it got all holey and aged looking, and the beads are just for fun!!