As most of you know, I have 2 cats - Sophie and Sammy. Well, not anymore. Because of my financial situation, I could not afford to move into a place that would allow me to keep my furry babies, unless I wanted to put down another $400... That was just no possible. I do trust in G-d and I know that he gives me what is the best thing for at all times, so when this apartment became available, I took it, and that meant giving away my precious babies.
Today was that day. After many emails, and a phone call or two, I found a family whose 2 cats have passed away, one after 15 years, and the other only a few precious months. They said they would love to have both of my cats so they can stay together. This was an answer to my prayers. I had a lot of people interested in just my girl, and that was fine, but when this lady said she would take them both, I just couldn't refuse.
The pictures of Sohpie, the tortie cat is from a month or so ago. The gray one is my Sammy, and this was when he was just a few months old. This was his favorite position, next to sleeping next to mommy's head at night!
I'm really going to miss my little kitties....
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